The Health and Fitness blog

Tuesday, 22 September 2015


Taking good care of the largest organ of the body can be quite difficult and expensive. But the most annoying part is the fact that they are billions of beauty products that promise to give a smooth and flawless skin, in which most are expensive, contains harsh products and actually obtaining the exact product that soothes your skin can be really hard.
But the good news is you can that smooth, silky and glowing skin you’ve always wanted with some readily available natural products.
Though there are more natural products that can be used and are been used, these are the common and readily available ones.
Here are some easy but highly effective ways to make your skin flawless.

If you want to have a flawless skin then honey should be amongst your skin care products from acne treatment to exfoliation and moisturizing, honey has over the years proven itself.
Honey is loaded with antioxidants, enzymes; antibacterial and anti-inflammatory compounds making it a perfect product to apply on your skin especially the face.

HOW TO USE: Apply pure honey on your face and neck and leave it for about fifteen minutes. Then rinse this off in cold water. This will keep your skin really soft, silky and having that glow you’ve always wanted. To get the best result, apply raw honey on your face at least five times a week. After 3weeks you will start seeing tremendous results.

Pawpaw also works wonders on the skin, it can be used for Skin firming, it has anti-aging properties, used in the removal of blemishes, dark spots and dead skin and hydration of the skin. Papaya has an enzyme called papain that helps in removing dead skin to make your skin smooth and glowing. Also its ‘Low Sodium Quantity’ keeps your skin hydrated.

HOW TO USE: Blend ripe pawpaw to make a fine paste. Then apply to face for about fifteen minutes. Wash it off thoroughly afterwards with water and pat dry to get the best result. You can also mix papaya and honey for a wonderful result.

NOTE: Application of this paste should be done once or twice a week, due to the fact that pawpaw contains AHA {alpha-hydroxyl acids} which is quite too strong for the skin for everyday us.

Possessing astringent properties, lemon is a great natural cleanser for people who have oily skin. It is also contains vitamin c and citric acid which helps in brightening and lightening the skin after a period of time. if your elbows and knees appear dark, using lemon to scrub them will make them lighter.

HOW TO USE: To reduce oily face, use fresh squeezed lemon juice and apply it to your entire face and neck. Leave it on for 10 minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water.
To lighten dark knees and elbows, cut lemon into half and scrub the elbow and knees with it. It works like magic.

NOTE: we wouldn’t recommend regular usage of lemon for people with dry skin because it will make the skin drier overtime. So if you have a dry skin, you should use lemon carefully.
Lemon juice also has stinging sensation due to the citric acid presence. If you can’t tolerate the stinging sensation, mix the lemon juice with some water and continue adding until it feels better on your skin.

Tomatoes provide amazing natural skin treatment which can make the skin look younger. By allowing the skin take in more oxygen it prevents aging and wrinkles. Tomatoes works magic in removing blackheads and with high levels of lycopene, it reduces the risk of getting skin cancer. Using tomatoes on your skin will give it and extraordinary glow. Tomatoes can also help treat pimples and blemishes.

HOW TO USE:Slice a fresh juicy tomato into two, use one half to scrub your face and neck. Leave for ten minutes for it to soak in and clean the pores then wash off.
You can also blend the tomatoes to make a paste and apply to your face.

One of the most important things you can do for smooth and glowing skin is to drink enough water. Though a lot of people disagree with this truth claiming there is no scientific proof, I realized they had one skin product to sell afterwards…….LOL
Research backing why water intake is good for a healthy skin is rare, because water cannot be patented (documentation granting an inventor sole rights to an invention). So finding someone to fund such research is hard when there will be no medication or cosmetics to sell to repay cost of research.
Without adequate water intake, skin appears duller and develops wrinkles. Trying to retain the little water present, the skin becomes dry and flaky.
But a hydrated skin is plump and elastic, leaving no room for cracks and external particles to get into the skin and cause irritation or blemishes.

HOW TO USE:About 2.0 litres (8 glasses) of water should be enough for a normal day. But if the day has more rigorous activities more water should be taken.
Whatever you do, just stay hydrated it has numerous benefits.


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